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AmeriCorps Internship

May 2014 - September 2014


Over the summer of 2014 I had an AmeriCorps Internship with New Mexico Historic Sites (NMHS). My requirements were to travel and photograph all seven of their historical sites, curate and caption their photo bank, put the curated images (including mine) on their website, and create seven movie posters, one for each site. 


The seven sites I was required to travel to, were: Bosque Redondo Memorial, Coronado,

El Camino Real, Fort Selden, Fort Stanton, Jemez, and Lincoln. I worked with each of the site mangers to photograph their particular site and create a poster that was inviting. 


My experience was educational, challenging, and enjoyable. I learned how to use ResourceSpace, photograph architecture, and work with a client without fear. It also helps that I had the best boss to guide me to a solution.


4321 miles, 300 hours, and 40 movie poster drafts later I believe I have done well. 

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